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ICML 2023

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Jun 17 / Roche and Genentech
MURANO: Final 7 year follow up and retreatment analysis in venetoclax-rituximab (VenR)-treated patients with relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia (R/R CLL)
MURANO (NCT02005471) is a global, phase III, open-label, randomized study evaluating VenR vs BR in patients with R/R CLL. The final analyses of MURANO at 7 years' median follow-up are presented, including updated PFS and OS, impact of MRD status on long-term outcomes and information on TTNT. Outcomes from the substudy analyses are also reported, where patients with PD received VenR as retreatment or as crossover from BR, to assess whether VenR retreatment is a viable option.

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Jun 17 / Roche and Genentech
Glofitamab▼ plus polatuzumab vedotin▼ demonstrates durable responses and a manageable safety profile in patients with relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
This ongoing Phase Ib/II study (NCT03533283) was designed to evaluate glofitamab▼ plus polatuzumab vedotin▼ in patients with relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. In this oral presentation, updated safety and efficacy results from the dose expansion phase are reported.

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Jun 17 / Roche and Genentech
Combining CD19-4-1BBL (RO7227166) with glofitamab▼ is safe and shows early efficacy in patients suffering from relapsed or refractory B-cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Englumafusp alfa is a CD19x4-1BBL costimulatory bispecific antibody-like fusion protein. BP41072 (NCT04077723) is an open-label Phase I study investigating escalating englumafusp alfa dose levels in combination with glofitamab▼ in patients with relapsed/refractory B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Updated clinical, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data are presented.
05:10 PM
Duration 15mins Auditorium, West USI Campus
Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) status and clinical outcomes in patients with previously untreated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in the POLARIX study
Herrera AF, Tracy S, Sehn LH, Jardin F, Lenz G, Trněný M, Salles G, Flowers CR, Tilly H, Sharman JP, Friedberg JW, Balasubramanian S, Raghavan V, Hirata J, Lee C, Jiang Y, Morschhauser F

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05:40 PM
Duration 15mins Cinema Corso
SUNMO: Phase III trial of mosunetuzumab plus polatuzumab vedotin vs rituximab plus gemcitabine and oxaliplatin in relapsed/refractory aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Pavlovsky A, Westin J, Olszewski AJ, Fogliatto L, Kim WS, Shin H-J, Leao D, Jeon Y-W, Norasetthada L, Rego E, Wu H, Yin S, Batlevi CL, Pham S, Penuel E, Jing J, Wei MC, Budde LE

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02:15 PM
Duration 15mins Room A, Palazzo dei Congressi
Venetoclax-obinutuzumab for previously untreated chronic lymphocytic leukemia: 6-year results of the randomised CLL14 study
Al-Sawaf O

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03:00 PM
Duration 15mins Room A, Palazzo dei Congressi
Glofitamab monotherapy induces durable complete remissions and has a manageable safety profile in patients with Richter’s transformation
Carlo-Stella C, Hutchings M, Offner F, Mulvihill E, Relf J, Byrne B, Lundberg L, Dickinson M

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05:00 PM
Duration 15mins Polivalente Room, East USI Campus
Immune contexture analysis in POLARIX suggests response to Pola-R-CHP treatment reduces tumor microenvironment dependency
Morschhauser F, Hatzi K, Lenz G, Herrera AF, Flowers CR, Trněný M, Burke J, Hou JZ, Staber PB, Hawkes EA, Izutsu K, Le Gouill S, Belada D, Tucci A, Yan M, Harris W, Hirata J, Lee C, Jiang Y, Jardin F

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04:30 PM
Duration 15mins Room A, Palazzo dei Congressi
Mosunetuzumab demonstrates durable responses in patients with relapsed and/or refractory follicular lymphoma and ≥2 prior therapies: updated analysis of a pivotal Phase II study
Sehn LH, Bartlett NL, Matasar M, Schuster SJ, Assouline S, Kuruvilla J, Shadman M, Cheah CY, Fay K, Ku M, Nastoupil L, Wei MC, Yin S, To I, Hu N, Min J, Penuel E, Belousov A, Coimbra A, Jemaa S, Bender B, Turner D, Budde LE

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08:45 AM
Duration 15mins Room B, Palazzo dei Congressi
Glofitamab plus polatuzumab vedotin demonstrates durable responses and a manageable safety profile in patients with relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Hutchings M, Avigdor A, Sureda A, Terol MJ, Bosch F, Corradini P, Larsen TS, Dominguez AR, Skarbnik A, Joergenson J, Goldschmidt N, Gurion R, Zinzani PL, Pinto A, Cordoba R, Bottos A, Huang Z, Simko S, Relf J, Filézac de L’Etang A, Sellam G, Gritti G

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09:30 AM
Duration 15mins Room B, Palazzo dei Congressi
Glofitamab monotherapy in patients with relapsed/refractory large B-cell lymphoma: extended follow-up and landmark analyses from a pivotal Phase II study
Dickinson M, Carlo-Stella C, Morschhauser F, Falchi L, Bachy E, Cartron G, Khan C, Tani M, Martinez-Lopez J, Bartlett N, Salar A, Brody J, Leppä S, Mulvihill E, Lundberg L, Relf J, Xie Y, Bottos A, Humphrey K, Hutchings M

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10:00 AM
Duration 15mins Room A, Palazzo dei Congressi
Combining CD19-4-1BBL (RO7227166) with glofitamab is safe and shows early efficacy in patients suffering from relapsed or refractory B-cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
M Dickinson, M Hutchings, C Carlo-Stella, F Morschhauser, F Bosch, G Gritti, W Townsend, NL Bartlett, G Cartron, H Ghesquieres, R Houot, H Walter, F Offner, A Christiansen, N Dimier, C Jamois, E Harrop, S Herter, G Hölzlwimmer, A Keelara, K Korfi, J Luong, C Mueller, S Mycroft, M Whayman, I Prieto, D Rukina, K Lechner

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10:55 AM
Duration 15mins Room B, Palazzo dei Congressi
MURANO: Final 7 year follow up and retreatment analysis in venetoclax-rituximab (VenR)-treated patients with relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia (R/R CLL)
Kater AP, Harrup R, Kipps TJ, Eichhorst B, Owen CJ, Assouline S, Lamanna N, Robak T, de la Serna J, Jaeger U, Cartron G, Montillo M, Mellink C, Chyla B, Thadani-Mulero M, Lefebure M, Jiang Y, Millen R, Boyer M, Seymour JF

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