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Jun 19 / Roche
Utility of a rapid, precise and easy to use solution in a near patient setting
Talk about a comparator study between eplex RP2 and BioFire RP 2.1 and Allplex RP Panels. Highlighting workflow differences, performance data and application of near patient solutions to change patient management.

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Jun 19 / Roche
Assessing high throughput PCR for the detection of CMV infections in pregnancy & neonates
Dr. Ngee Keong Tan has been exploring using the high throughput cobas CMV viral load test in identifying congenital CMV infections. The sample types best for this testing, such as urine, saliva and vaginal secretions, are more atypical than standard plasma, and he will briefly present the goals, challenges and outcome of recently published data that highlights the technical procedures and medical implications.

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Jun 19 / Roche
Hands-on experience and benefits of an automated laboratory based high throughput solution
Talk about the submission studies for the cobas respiratory flex test. Performance evaluation and workflow analysis by routine operators.
10:00 AM
Duration 90mins Barcelona, Spain
Real-world evidence comparing the risk of Delta and Omicron infection outcomes by SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels
Jin Y, Yang F, Rank C, Letovsky S, Ramge P, Jochum S

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Duration 90mins Barcelona, Spain
Influenza A and B viral loads are higher in nasopharyngeal swabs compared to mid-turbinate swabs
Wildum S, Katugampola L, Bernasconi C

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12:45 PM
Duration 12mins Hall C
Optimized arylomycins GDC-5780 and GDC-0829 represent a promising novel class of antibiotics against gram-negative pathogens
Koehler et al.

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10:00 AM
Duration 90mins Barcelona, Spain
Pharmacokinetics and safety in ICU patients and healthy participants following single dose administration of zosurabalpin (RG6006), a novel pathogen- specific antibiotic for the treatment of serious Acinetobacter infections
Cottreel et al.

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Duration 90mins Barcelona, Spain
Preliminary zosurabalpin broth microdilution quality control ranges using clinical and laboratory standards institute M23 criteria
Huband et al.

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Duration 90mins Barcelona, Spain
Assessment of zosurabalpin activity in combination with other antibiotics
Sabatini et al.

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Duration 90mins Barcelona, Spain
MIC distributions and activity of the novel anti-Acinetobacter agent zosurabalpin (RG6006)
Hawser et al.

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Duration 90mins Barcelona, Spain
Mechanism of in vitro resistance to zosurabalpin (RG6006) in Acinetobacter baumannii
Trauner et al.

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Duration 90mins Barcelona, Spain
Target identification and mode of action studies of zosurabalpin (RG6006)
Pahil et al.

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Duration 90mins Barcelona, Spain
Determination of the PK/PD driver for the LepB inhibitor, GDC-0829, a novel broad-spectrum antibiotic against gram-negative bacterial infections
Xu et al.

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Duration 90mins Barcelona, Spain
Determination of the PK/PD driver for the LepB inhibitor, GDC-5780, a novel Gram-negative antibiotic against Enterobacteriaceae infections
Xu et al.

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Duration 90mins Barcelona, Spain
Low frequency of spontaneous resistance to LepB inhibitors, GDC-5780 and GDC-0829, in target gram-negative bacterial species
Girgis et al.

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Duration 90mins Barcelona, Spain
In vitro killing kinetics of GDC-5780, a novel gram-negative antibiotic, against a panel of Enterobacteriaceae isolates
Dieppois et al.

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Duration 90mins Barcelona, Spain
Developing the arylomycins into novel antibiotics against Gram-negative bacteria
Koehler et al.

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03:42 PM
Duration 6mins Barcelona, Spain
In vitro activity of two novel antibiotics, GDC-5780 and GDC-0829 against a global panel of gram-negative priority pathogens
Dieppois et al.

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