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Multiple sclerosis

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Feb 28 / Roche and Genentech
Real-world effectiveness of first-line ocrelizumab treatment in relapsing multiple sclerosis: insights from MSBase OCR-R sub-study
Real-world evidence on the effectiveness of ocrelizumab (OCR) in treatment-naïve patients, with relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS) remains limited. Here we present data from the ongoing 5-year MSBase OCR-R sub-study, in eight countries, measuring treatment persistence, disease activity, disability progression and improvement in patients with relapsing MS treated with ocrelizumab.

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Feb 28 / Roche and Genentech
Work, Healthcare Use, and Caregiver Burden in Patients With Low-to-moderate Disability over a 2-year Treatment with Ocrelizumab
Ocrelizumab has demonstrated efficacy in slowing MS progression, however, the socio-economic outcomes of this in real-world clinical practice are poorly understood. Here we present socio-economic data and healthcare-related outcomes from MuSicalE – a multicenter, non-interventional, prospective study assessing the real-world safety and effectiveness of OCR in patients with MS over a period of 4 years, across 25 countries.

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Feb 28 / Roche and Genentech
Real-world adherence & persistence to ocrelizumab versus ofatumumab among pwMS over 24 months
This retrospective US cohort study compared real-world adherence to and persistence with ocrelizumab vs ofatumumab over 24 months among people with multiple sclerosis.

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Feb 27 / Roche and Genentech
Exposure-Response Analyses of Ocrelizumab in Patients With Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis in OPERA I and II Over 10 Years
A consistent trend of higher ocrelizumab exposure leading to deeper B-cell depletion and greater reduction in disability progression was shown in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis in the Phase III OPERA I and OPERA II trials. Exposure-response relationships in the pooled population of OPERA I and OPERA II were analyzed over a 10-year period. Results are reported for 48-week CDP, ARR, whole and regional brain volume loss, and safety outcomes (including change in Ig levels from baseline, proportion of patients with IgG < LLN, and rates of serious infections).

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Feb 27 / Roche and Genentech
Deriving an NfL Threshold Equivalent From Atellica® to Simoa® Assays in Ocrelizumab Phase 3 Trials to Assess Disease Activity Risk in RMS
This study analyzed the translatability of a defined Siemens Atellica assa threshold for prognosticating MS disease acrivity to Quanterix Simoa-measured NfL levels in historical data of people with RMS from the OPERA trials.

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Feb 27 / Roche and Genentech
Fenebrutinib Maintains Low Disease Activity in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis: Clinical, Safety and Biomarker Results From the FENopta Open-Label Extension
This analysis assessed the efficacy, safety and exploratory biomarkers, such as immunoglobulins and B cells, after fenebrutinib treatment in people with RMS enrolled int he FENopta open-label extension through Week 48.
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