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Oct 20 / Roche
View the EURETINA symposium on "The future of retinal care to meet the growing demand"
The rising prevalence of age-related retinal diseases is placing significant strain on already overburdened health systems, impeding our ability to provide optimal retinal care. The aims of this symposium is to i) raise awareness of health system capacity constraints and their impact on retinal care, ii) and to emphasize the urgent need to adopt innovative solutions, such as more durable treatments.

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Oct 20 / Roche
Watch the recording of the EURETINA symposium on "The future of retinal care to meet the growing demand"
The rising prevalence of age-related retinal diseases is placing significant strain on already overburdened health systems, impeding our ability to provide optimal retinal care. The aims of this symposium is to i) raise awareness of health system capacity constraints and their impact on retinal care, ii) and to emphasize the urgent need to adopt innovative solutions, such as more durable treatments.

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Oct 19 / Roche
Watch the recording of the EURETINA symposium on "Change in treatment paradigm for DME with faricimab▼ – Evidence from clinical trials and real-world practice"
Targeting additional pathways beyond vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) may address treatment challenges in diabetic macular edema (DME) and optimise patient outcomes. The Angiopoietin (Ang)-Tie pathway shows promise as a novel therapeutic target to address the vascular instability observed in retinal diseases such as DME. In this symposium, 4 expert panellists will summarise the impact of dual Ang-2/VEGF-A inhibition, highlight opportunities to improve clinical outcomes in DME, outline clinical trial evidence showing the potential benefits of dual Ang-2/VEGF-A inhibition, and review real-world patient cases.
08:30 AM
Duration 4mins Virtual
An Assessment of the Impact of Disease Activity Criteria on Dosing Interval Assignment in Clinical Trial Patients With nAMD
Gallego-Pinazo R, Weng, C, Souverain A, Stoilov I, Margaron P

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Duration 4mins Virtual
Faricimab▼ Rapidly Improves Fluid Parameters in Patients With nAMD
Gale R, London N, Kotecha A, Willis J, Souverain A, Shildkrot E, Margaron P

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Duration 4mins Virtual
Baseline characteristics and 3 month data from patients receiving faricimab▼ for nAMD or DME in the real-world VOYAGER study
Sheth V, Bailey C, Bengus M, Chaikitmongkol V, Chaudhary V, Chi G, Finger R, Gallego R, Gilberg R, Koh A, Ishida S, Lövestam M, Parravano M, Luna Pinto JD, Scheidl S, Schmitz-Valckenberg MS, Souied E, Guymer R

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Duration 4mins Virtual
Burden in the Clinical Management of Diabetic Macular Edema: A Multicenter Analysis in the UK
Peto T, Chen X, Talks S, Menon G, Ghanchi F, Shah P, Yang Q, Ferrara D, Adesanya L, Chi G

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Duration 4mins Virtual
Changes in Intraocular Ang-2 and VEGF-A Following Faricimab▼ Treatment in nAMD and DME
Cheung G, Bogman K, Diack C, Stoilov I

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Duration 4mins Virtual
Deep learning segmentation of foveal avascular zone in optical coherence tomography angiography of nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy
Benmansour F, Camino A, Wang Z, Basu Bal A, Carano R, Ferrara D

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Duration 4mins Virtual
Fibrosis Characterisation and Prevention in nAMD: Identification of Subretinal Triggers, Cell Types Responsible and Inhibitors Using Improved Tools
Westenskow P, Ozaki E, Doyle S, Roubeix C

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Duration 4mins Virtual
Personalised Faricimab▼ Dosing Increased the Proportion of Patients With nAMD Achieving Q16W Dosing in Year 2 of TENAYA/LUCERNE, While Maintaining Functional and Anatomical Outcomes
Ambresin A, Kotecha A, Willis J, Souverain A, Shildkrot E, Swaminathan B, Margaron P

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Duration 4mins Virtual
Efficacy, durability, and safety of faricimab▼ in neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD): 48-week results from the China subpopulation of the phase 3 LUCERNE trial
Chen Y, Kotecha A, Willis J, Liu R, Li S, Zhang L, Zhang M, Sun D

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Duration 4mins Virtual
Port Delivery System With Ranibizumab in Patients With Diabetic Retinopathy Without Center-Involved Diabetic Macular Edema: Primary Analysis Results of the Phase 3 Pavilion Trial
Wykoff C, Chang M, Emanuelli A, Holekamp N, Latkany P, Malhotra V, Brittain C, Howard D, Santhanakrishnan A, Wetzel-Smith M, Quezada-Ruiz C, Pieramici D

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Duration 4mins Virtual
Postoperative Monitoring and Long-term Follow-up: A PDS-treated Patient Case From the Ladder Phase 2 Trial Continuing into the Portal Extension Trial
Graff J, Heinrich D, Blotner S, Cavichini Cordeiro M, Gune S, Singh N

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Duration 4mins Virtual
Refill-Exchange Procedure for the Port Delivery System with Ranibizumab: Optimisation and Enhanced Training
Becker M, Colina J, Graff J, Kitchens J, Thompson J, Malhotra V, Menezes A, Patel S, Singh N, Utley S, Vicente A, Jaycock P

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Duration 4mins Virtual
FARWIDE-DME: early treatment patterns of faricimab▼ among DME patients in the UK
Bailey C, Peto T, Downey L, Kiire C, Pearce I, Reynolds R, Sivaprasad S, Chi G, James N, Downey A, Shah P, Dodds M, Dayal P

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Duration 4mins Virtual
Visual Loss in Geographic Atrophy: A Comprehensive Exploratory Analysis of Function and Morphology From the Lampalizumab Trial Programme
Ferrara D, Anegondi N, Steffen V, Chakravarthy U

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Duration 4mins Virtual
Investigating the Burden of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Diabetic Macular Edema Treatment on Recipients and Caregivers in North America and Europe
Gale R, Tabano D, Cox O, Garmo V, Ahmed A, Hill S, Patel N, Watane A

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12:19 PM
Duration 6mins Emerald Room
Comparative Efficacy of Faricimab▼ for the Treatment of Diabetic Macular Edema: A Systematic Literature Review and Network Meta-Analysis
Holekamp N, Mar F, Gibson K

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09:07 AM
Duration 6mins Room E102
The Relevance of Clinical and Imaging Features in Artificial Intelligence-Based Prediction of Geographic Atrophy Progression
Ferrara D, Cluceru J, Slama O, Anegondi N, Gao S, Friesenhahn M, Rabe C

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09:16 AM
Duration 5mins Speakers Corner
Socio-economic deprivation and diabetic macular edema: health equity improvements driven by faricimab in an aggregate distributional cost-effectiveness analysis from an English NHS perspective
Gale R, Meunier A, Opeifa O, Longworth L, Cox O, Buhrer C, Durand-Zaleski I, Kelly S

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11:07 AM
Duration 6mins Room E102
Port Delivery System With Ranibizumab in Diabetic Macular Edema: Primary Analysis Results of the Phase 3 Pagoda Trial
Graff J, Marcus D, Campochiaro P, Rahman S, Malhotra V, Latkany P, Gune S, DeGraaf S, Bobbala A, Rabena M, Quezada-Ruiz C, Khanani A

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11:13 AM
Duration 6mins Room E102
FARETINA-DME-six-month treatment patterns and outcomes in patients with diabetic macular edema treated with faricimab▼: an IRIS (tm) Registry analysis
Bailey C, Tabano D, Borkar D, Garmo V, Ahmed A, Myers R, LaPrise A, Ali F, Leng T, Singh R

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11:19 AM
Duration 6mins Room E102
Automated Segmentation of Hyperreflective Foci in DME Shows Greater Volume Reduction in Eyes Treated With Faricimab▼ Compared to Aflibercept in the Phase 3 YOSEMITE and RHINE Clinical Trials
Chakravarthy U, Maunz A, Von Schulthess E, Patel K, Bachmeier I, Jones I, Cohen Y, Gibson K, Willis J, Glittenberg C, Fauser S

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12:18 PM
Duration 6mins Grand Auditorium
The Potential for Q20W Dosing With Faricimab▼ and Extended Treatment Outcomes in Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: a Post Hoc Analysis of the Pivotal TENAYA/LUCERNE Trials
Ambresin A, Koh A, Singer M, Tadayoni R, Hill L, Souverain A, Kotecha A, Margaron P

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01:03 PM
Duration 6mins E102
Optimisation of the Port Delivery System with Ranibizumab (PDS): Key Steps and Impact on Patient Outcomes
Hillier R, Vicente A, Jaycock P, Quezada-Ruiz C, Singh N

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03:46 PM
Duration 6mins Room E102
Faricimab▼ Personalised Treat-and-Extend–Based Dosing Dynamics in Patients With DME
Figueroa M, Pearce I, Lim J, Gibson K, Jain N, Souverain A, Yang M, Willis J, Haskova Z

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09:25 AM
Duration 6mins Room E102
Faster Time to Retinal Fluid Control With Faricimab▼ vs Aflibercept in Patients With DME in the Phase 3 YOSEMITE/RHINE Trials – Lanzetta P
Lanzetta P, Rachitskaya A, Camino A, Gibson K, Mar F, Shildkrot E, Tang Y, Willis J, Haskova Z

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Duration 6mins Room E102
Faricimab▼ Reduces Macular Leakage vs Aflibercept in Patients With Diabetic Macular Edema
Sivaprasad S, Kolomeyer A, Nudleman E, Csaky K, Willis J, Gibson K, Wang T, Haskova Z, Amador M, Mar F, Goldberg R

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12:19 PM
Duration 6mins Room E102
A novel intravitreal anti-IL-6 monoclonal antibody for uveitic macular edema (UME): preliminary results from the phase 1 DOVETAIL study
Pavesio C, Sharma S, Suhler E, Lin P, Pauly-Evers M, Willen D, Peck R, Storti F, Rauhut S, Gott T, Passemard B, Macgregor L, Haskova Z, Silverman D, Fauser S, Mesquida M

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12:36 PM
Duration 5mins Speakers Corner
FARWIDE-nAMD: early treatment patterns of faricimab▼ among neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) patients in the UK
Talks J, De Salvo G, Patel P, de Silva S, Gale R, Varma D, McKibbin M, James N, Downey A, Shah P, Dodds M, Dayal P, Chi G

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03:30 PM
Duration 6mins E103/104
Pharmacokinetic Profile of the Port Delivery System With Ranibizumab in the Phase 3 Pagoda Trial of Diabetic Macular Edema and the Phase 3 Pavilion Trial of Diabetic Retinopathy Without Center-Involved Diabetic Macular Edema
Dhoot D, Ding HT, Hyung S, Latkany P, Maass K, Rahman S, Hsu J

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03:43 PM
Duration 6mins Room E103/104
Efficacy, durability, and safety of faricimab▼ in diabetic macular edema (DME): 1-year results from China subpopulation of phase 3 RHINE trial
Li X, Sun X, Jiang Q, Liu X, Idowu O, Liu R, Liu W, Tang Y, Willis J, Zhang L, Kotecha A

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