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Oct 8 / Roche
Watch the recording of the EURETINA symposium "The real world impact of Faricimab▼ on clinic capacity"
Clinic capacity constraints within ophthalmology lead to treatment delays that ultimately affect the delivery of optimal care and patient outcomes. Real-world experience with faricimab▼ is highlighting that this innovative and durable therapy has important and positive implications for reducing treatment burden and relieving clinic capacity. In this symposium, the four expert panellists highlight emerging data from their own personal experience showing how faricimab▼ can free-up clinic capacity, reduce waiting lists and generally improve clinic experience. This can lead to a positive impact for overstretched healthcare systems so that more patients can be treated.

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Oct 8 / Roche
View the EURETINA symposium "From clinical trials to RWD with Faricimab▼: what you see is what you get"
In the past, real-world outputs from anti-VEGF treatment have not matched the clinical trials results, partly because nAMD and DME disease pathology is not completely addressed by the anti-VEGF monotherapy. As a result, in real world practice, maintenance of vision outcomes in the long-term requires frequent monitoring and intravitreal injections, which imposes a significant burden on patients and caregivers. However, the introduction of faricimab▼ has led to new thinking as the real-world data supports the data from the pivotal studies regarding the efficacy and safety profile of faricimab▼ in heterogeneous real world patient populations. In this symposium, 4 expert panellists review the key data for faricimab▼ from clinical trials and discuss the ways in which it aligns with the results that have been achieved in real world clinical practice.

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Oct 8 / Roche
View the EURETINA symposium "The real world impact of Faricimab▼ on clinic capacity"
Clinic capacity constraints within ophthalmology lead to treatment delays that ultimately affect the delivery of optimal care and patient outcomes. Real-world experience with faricimab▼ is highlighting that this innovative and durable therapy has important and positive implications for reducing treatment burden and relieving clinic capacity. In this symposium, the four expert panellists highlight emerging data from their own personal experience showing how faricimab▼ can free-up clinic capacity, reduce waiting lists and generally improve clinic experience. This can lead to a positive impact for overstretched healthcare systems so that more patients can be treated.
06:00 AM
Duration 4mins Audio-Narrated Free Paper Session
Early Fluid Resolution in the Head-to-Head Phase of the TENAYA/LUCERNE Trials Is Associated With Short- and Long-Term Extended Durability in Patients With Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration Treated With Faricimab▼
Gallego-Pinazo R, Amador M, Dagincourt N, Stoilov I, Margaron P

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Duration 4mins Audio-Narrated Free Paper Session
Assessment of the Clinical Effects of Anti-Ang-2 With Faricimab▼ Based on Key Outcomes From the YOSEMITE/RHINE Trials and Real-World FARETINA/FARWIDE Studies in Patients With DME
Finger R, Manoharan N, Kim J, Amador M, Willis J,Stoilov I, Mar F, Gibson K, Abreu F, Tabano D, Chi G

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Duration 4mins Audio-Narrated Free Paper Session
Comparison of the Relative Effectiveness of Faricimab▼ vs Aflibercept 8 mg in Diabetic Macular Edema (DME)
Keane P, Holekamp N, Leng T, Siedlecki J, Mar F, Gibson K, Margaron P, Paulo T, Buehrer C, Tabano D

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Duration 4mins Audio-Narrated Free Paper Session
Intravitreal Interleukin-6 Inhibition With Vamikibart in Uveitic Macular Edema: Final Results From the Phase 1 DOVETAIL Study
Pavesio C, Suhler E, Lin P, Pauly-Evers M, Willen D, Holmes W, Storti F, Barekati Z, Gott T, Passemard B, Macgregor L, Sharma S, Fauser S, Mesquida M

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Duration 4mins Audio-Narrated Free Paper Session
Patient Preference for the Port Delivery System With Ranibizumab vs Intravitreal Injections: Results From the Phase 3 Pagoda Trial in Patients With Diabetic Macular Edema
Chang M, Koh A, Marcus D, Boldonado K, Daly A, Hill L, Menezes A, Prager A, Wallenstein G, Tian K

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Duration 4mins Audio-Narrated Free Paper Session
Port Delivery System (PDS) for Continuous Treatment of Diabetic Macular Edema (DME): 2-Year Data From the Phase 3 Pagoda Trial
Graff J, Awh C, Regillo C, Bobbala A, Dakouras A, Howard D, Gune S, Menezes A, Rabena M

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Duration 4mins Audio-Narrated Free Paper Session
Real-World Treatment Patterns and Visual Outcomes of Faricimab▼ Use Among Eyes With Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration (nAMD) in the United Kingdom: 1 Year Results From the FARWIDE-nAMD Study
McKibbin M, Talks J, DeSalvo G, Patel P, de Silva S, Gale R, Varma D, Dayal P, James N, Shah N, Downey A, Dodds M, Chi G

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Duration 4mins Audio-Narrated Free Paper Session
Reduction in Pigment Epithelial Detachment With Faricimab▼ vs Aflibercept: A Subgroup Analysis of Patients with Large and Serous PEDs From the Pooled Phase 3 TENAYA and LUCERNE trials
Khanani A, Ambresin A, Avery R, Chaikitmongkol V, Eter N, Gomi F, Lai T, Lim J, London N, Harrell E, Margaron P, Patel S, Souverain A, Yang M

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09:05 AM
Duration 5mins Speakers Corner
Characterisation of Fibrosis in the Archway Trial: The Impact of Continuous Delivery of Ranibizumab in Patients With Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Chakravarthy U, Holekamp N, Blotner S, Cavichini M, Garcia Armendariz B, Kanku M, Heinrich D

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09:36 AM
Duration 5mins Room: 118 / 119
Technical Updates to Port Delivery System With Ranibizumab (PDS) for the Treatment of Neovascular Age-related macular degeneration (nAMD), Diabetic Macular Edema (DME), and Diabetic Retinopathy (DR)
Chang M, Pieramici D, Pearce I, Campochiaro P, Holekamp N, Gune S, Quezada Ruiz C, Singh N, Wise G, Ranade S, Horvath J, Regillo C

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10:42 AM
Duration 5mins Room: 118 / 119
Faricimab▼ in DME: Results from the RHONE-X Long-Term Extension Trial
Schlottmann P, Khanani A, Lai T, Kotecha A, Sim D, Harrell E, Abreu F, Tang Y, Willis J

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11:30 AM
Duration 1hr Barcelona, Spain
View the EURETINA symposium "From clinical trials to RWD with Faricimab▼: what you see is what you get"
Khanani A, Grimaldi G, Koh A, Patel P

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01:18 PM
Duration 5mins Room: 118 / 119
12-Month Real-World Clinical and Anatomical Outcomes With Faricimab▼ in Patients With Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: FARETINA-AMD
Lim J, Tabano D, Ali F, Ko S, Borkar D, Leng T, Myrick A, Shaia J, Singh R

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01:30 PM
Duration 5mins Speakers Corner
12-Month Real-World Clinical and Anatomical Outcomes With Faricimab▼ in Patients With Diabetic Macular Edema: The FARETINA-DME Study
Sheth V, Tabano D, Ali F, Ko S, Borkar D, Leng T, Myrick A, Shaia J, Singh R

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07:00 AM
Duration 5mins Room: 118 / 119
Impact of Early Intraretinal Fluid Reduction on Two-Year Outcomes in Diabetic Macular Edema
Lim J, Wang Y, Hibar D, Maunz A, Lu H, Albrecht T, Gibson K, Willis J, Chang D, Litts K

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07:12 AM
Duration 5mins Room: 118 / 119
Real-World Treatment Patterns and Visual Outcomes of Faricimab▼ Use Among Eyes With Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) in the United Kingdom: 1-Year Results From the FARWIDE-DME Study
Peto T, Sivaprasad S, Reynolds R, Bailey C, Downey L, Kiire C, Pearce I, Dayal P, James N, Shah N, Downey A, Dodds M, Chi G

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07:18 AM
Duration 5mins Room: 118 / 119
Visual Acuity and Anatomic Improvements at Week 24 Were Maintained Through Week 72 With Faricimab▼ Treat-and-Extend Dosing in the Phase 3 BALATON and COMINO RVO Trials: Patient Case Profiles and Results Summary
Dinah C, Abreu F, Arrisi P, Kotecha A, Liu Y, Paris L, Retiere A, Willis J

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07:45 AM
Duration 1hr Barcelona, Spain
View the EURETINA symposium "The real world impact of Faricimab▼ on clinic capacity"
Wong D, Hamilton R, Chhabra R, Ruiz-Medrano J

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07:50 AM
Duration 5mins Speakers Corner
Port Delivery System With Ranibizumab for Continuous Treatment in Diabetic Retinopathy: 2-Year Data From the Phase 3 Pavilion Trial
Khanani A, Chang M, Holmes W, Santhanakrishnan A, Tian K, Wetzel-Smith M, Latkany P

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09:00 AM
Duration 5mins Room: 118 / 119
Analysis of Extended Interval Treatment Outcomes, Potential for Q20W Dosing and Predictors of Treatment Durability in nAMD With Faricimab▼ From the TENAYA/LUCERNE Trials
Koh A, Ambresin A, Patel P, Singer M, Dagincourt N, Hill L, Kotecha A, Margaron P

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09:06 AM
Duration 5mins Room: 118 / 119
Key Clinical Outcomes With Faricimab▼ in Treatment-naïve Patients With nAMD: Results From the TENAYA/LUCERNE Trials and Real-World FARETINA/FARWIDE Studies
Souied E, Avery R, Haug S, Tabano D, Chi G, Amador M, Kotecha A, Margaron P, Yang M

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09:54 AM
Duration 5mins Room: 118 / 119
The Clinical Impact of Continuous Delivery of Ranibizumab With the Port Delivery System (PDS) in Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration (nAMD)
Zinkernagel M, Rachitskaya A, Holekamp N, Dauletbekov D, Blotner S, Heinrich D

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10:20 AM
Duration 5mins Grand Auditorium
Global Real-World Clinical and Anatomical Outcomes With Faricimab▼ in Treatment-Naïve Patients With Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration or Diabetic Macular Edema From a Multi-Country Prospective Non-Interventional Study: The VOYAGER Study
Bailey C, Chaikitmongkol V, Chaudhary V, Chi G, Downey A, Finger R, Gallego-Pinazo R, Koh A, Ishida S, Lövestam-Adrian M, Parravano M, Luna Pinto J, Schmitz-Valckenberg S, Sheth V, Shi B, Souied E, Uschner D, Guymer R

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11:45 AM
Duration 1hr Barcelona, Spain
View the EURETINA symposium "Changing the nAMD Gameplan with Faricimab▼: Dual Pathway, Drying, and Durability"
Holz F, Hamilton R, Lim J, Koh A

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03:00 PM
Duration 5mins Room: 111
Efficacy and Safety of Faricimab▼ in ALTIMETER: A Phase 2b Trial Exploring Biomarkers of Angiopoietin-2 Inhibition in Patients With Diabetic Macular Edema
Ziemssen F, Amador M, Dieckmann A, Gibson K, Glittenberg C, Kotak A, Mar F, Souverain A, Titz B, Vujosevic S, Fawzi A

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03:06 PM
Duration 5mins Room: 111
Greater Reduction in Hard Exudates With Faricimab▼ vs Aflibercept in Patients With DME: Biomarker Results From the Phase 3 YOSEMITE/RHINE Trials
Dinah C, Vujosevic S, Goldberg R, Ip M, Rahimy E, Amador M, Gibson K, Glittenberg C, Maunz A, O'Leary O, Uschner D

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03:12 PM
Duration 5mins Room: 111
Predictors of Extended Treatment Intervals in Patients With DME Treated With Faricimab▼ in the Phase 3 YOSEMITE/RHINE Trials
Ambresin A, Gibson K, Sim D, Hill L

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03:45 PM
Duration 1hr Barcelona, Spain
View the EURETINA symposium "Changing the DME Gameplan with Faricimab▼: Dual Pathway, Drying, and Durability"
Schlottmann P, Vujosevic S, Pearce I, Udaondo P

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11:00 AM
Duration 1hr Barcelona, Spain
View the EURETINA symposium "Is Continuous Drug Delivery the Key to Transforming Long-term Outcomes in Retinal Diseases?"
Figueroa M, Hillier R, Graff J, Chang M

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02:06 PM
Duration 5mins Room: 118 / 119
IL-6 inhibition with vamikibart in patients with uveitic macular edema: phase 3 MEERKAT and SANDCAT trials
Fonollosa A, Suhler E, Steeples L, Elze M, Macgregor L, Silverman D, Haskova Z

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