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Oct 5 / Roche
The determinants of using Digital Health Solutions in people living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in France
Digital Health Solutions (DHS) bear great potential to support People with Diabetes (PwD) in their daily diabetes management aiming to lower their diabetes distress and increase quality of life1. However, there is still lacking and controversial evidence around the determinants of using DHS, specifically involving the direct perspective of PwD. Patient-centricity has gained vast importance due to the misalignment on what patients deem important for their disease management and the data collected and reported2. In this study, we integrated the perspective of PwD in assessing DHS use and potential determinants in a French cohort using a patient-centered cross-sectional survey.

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Oct 4 / Roche
Anticipated reduction in hypoglycaemia fear and diabetes distress from increasing the glucose prediction of current CGM algorithms
Hypoglycaemia remains the limiting factor of insulin therapy. People with diabetes often have increased fear of hypoglycaemia and distress due to hypoglycaemia. Continuous glucose monitoring is a powerful tool to alleviate these fears and burden. However, current CGM algorithms only allow a prediction of glucose values within the next 15-30 minutes, making glucose management rather unpredictable. To elaborate on the potential to improve current CGM systems, we investigated if a possible increase in this prediction window to up to 2 hours would be perceived as a significant benefit with regard to hypoglycaemia fear and diabetes distress.

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Oct 4 / Roche
The efficacy of telemonitoring and integrated personalised diabetes management in people with insulin-treated type 2 diabetes: a preliminary analysis
Glycemic control is challenging in real-world practice. The iPDM is one of the strategy to overcome clinical inertia. This requires frequent providers and patient communication. The objective was to study the efficacy of a telemedicine, in conjunction with iPDM on glycemic control in people with T2D.