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Sep 29 / Roche and Genentech
Efficacy of forimtamig, a GPRC5DxCD3 bispecific antibody, in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: analysis of patient- and disease-related factors associated with responses
BP42233 is an ongoing Phase Ia study evaluating the safety and activity of forimtamig in patients with RRMM. Clinical responses in difficult-to-treat and high-risk patient subgroups are presented.

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Sep 28 / Roche and Genentech
Pharmacodynamic effects of tiragolumab, as monotherapy and in combination with daratumumab and atezolizumab in patients with RRMM: biomarker results from a Phase Ia/Ib trial
GO41036 is a Phase Ia/Ib study that evaluated the safety and pharmacokinetics of tiragolumab alone and in combination with daratumumab and atezolizumab in patients with RRMM. Biomarker data are presented.

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Sep 28 / Roche and Genentech
Physician perspectives regarding conventional marrow testing and MRD assessments to guide decision-making in myeloma
An online survey of primarily community-based hematologists and/or oncologists, who had patients with multiple myeloma, was conducted. Physician practice characteristics, testing procedures and attitudes toward minimal residual disease assessment and conventional marrow testing, are investigated in this presentation.
04:30 PM
Duration 60mins Skalkotas
Efficacy of forimtamig, a GPRC5DxCD3 bispecific antibody, in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: analysis of patient- and disease-related factors associated with responses
Simon J Harrison, Caroline Hasselbalch Riley, Salomon Manier, Sung-Soo Yoon, Antonio Pinto, Titouan Cazaubiel, Anna Guidetti, Rakesh Popat, Cyrille Touzeau, Enrique M Ocio, Fritz Offner, Paula Rodriguez Otero, Ilaria Rizzello, Maria-Victoria Mateos, Ann-Marie E Broske, Iryna Dekhtiarenko, Natalie Dimier, Jan Eckmann, Hans-Joachim Helms, Wolfgang Jacob, Meike Schneider, Nassim Sleiman, Martin Weisser, Carmelo Carlo-Stella

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