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Jun 4 / Roche and Genentech
One-Year Analysis of Ocrelizumab Treatment in Black/African American and Hispanic/Latino People With Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis From the CHIMES Trial
CHIMES is a prospective, open-label, single-arm Phase IV study evaluating the efficacy and safety of ocrelizumab treatment in Black/African American and Hispanic/Latino individuals with relapsing MS by utilizing a unique study design incorporating secondary exploratory clinical and patient-reported outcomes.

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May 30 / Roche and Genentech
Pregnancy and Infant Outcomes in Females Receiving Ocrelizumab for the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis: Analysis of over 3,000 Pregnancies to Date
Reported pregnancies in MS and in those treated with anti-CD20 therapies are increasing. Pregnancy outcomes are important to optimze care for women with MS receiving ocrelizumab before or during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding. Results include prospectively-reported pregnancy outcomes by exposure, major congenital anomalies in pregnancy with known outcomes, and infant outcomes. Data are collected through post-marketing commitments and ongoing clinical trials.

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May 30 / Roche and Genentech
Ocrelizumab Administered Subcutaneously: Results from the Clinical Development Program
Ocrelizumab SC injection, administered twice-yearly is expected to deliver comparable clinical benefits to OCR IV with reduced administration time. The Phase Ib OCARINA I study (NCT03972306) aimed to select the appropriate subcutaneous OCR dose for use in the Phase III OCARINA II study (NCT05232825). The aim of the OCARINA II study was to show PK non-inferiority of OCR SC 920 mg to the approved OCR IV 600 mg dose, and to provide data on safety, tolerability, immunogenicity, and clinical profile. Results from the OCARINA I and II trials are presented, with focus on OCARINA II safety data, and particularly premedication, post-injection monitoring, injection reactions, as well as PRO data up to Week 48. These data reinforce a comparable benefit─risk profile of OCR SC to OCR IV.
08:20 AM
Duration 20mins Music City Center Davidson Ballroom B
Ocrelizumab Dose Selection for Treatment of Paediatric Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: Pharmacokinetic, Safety and Efficacy Results from OPERETTA 1
T Schreiner

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09:20 AM
Duration 20mins Music City Center Davidson Ballroom B
Pregnancy and Infant Outcomes in Females Receiving Ocrelizumab for the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis: Analysis of over 3,000 Pregnancies to Date
R Bove

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Duration 20mins Music City Center Davidson Ballroom B
Watch Pregnancy and Infant Outcomes in Females Receiving Ocrelizumab for the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis: Analysis of over 3,000 Pregnancies to Date
R Bove
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09:40 AM
Duration 20mins Music City Center Davidson Ballroom B
Ocrelizumab Administered Subcutaneously: Results from the Clinical Development Program
S D Newsome

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04:00 PM
Duration 24hrs Nashville, USA
One-Year Analysis of Ocrelizumab Treatment in Black/African American and Hispanic/Latino People With Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis From the CHIMES Trial
Lilyana Amezcua, Nancy L. Monson, Mitzi J. Williams, Timothy Vartanian, Anthony T. Reder, Krupa Pandey, Kottil Rammohan, Barry Hendin, Gregory F. Wu, Rikisha Parekh, Jinglan Pei, Ibraheem Abioye, Juan Acosta, Evanthia Bernitsas

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