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Huntington's Disease

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Feb 27 / Roche and Genentech
Allele-selective lowering in HD: From bench to bedside
In this presentation we will share for the first time preclinical data from our allele-selective huntingtin-lowering program, HTT SNP ASO. In order to accurately identify individuals who could benefit from this approach, we have developed a novel SNP phasing assay capable of identifying distant intronic and exonic SNPs in phase with the expanded CAG mutation, paving the way for identifying multiple SNPs in parallel.

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Feb 26 / Roche and Genentech
Development of a long-read phasing assay for allele-specific patient inclusion for Roche HTT SNP ASO program
This poster describes the development of an innovative assay that allows phasing of distant intronic SNPs with the expanded CAG repeat that causes Huntington’s disease (HD). The assay is a prerequisite for selecting individuals with HD who could benefit most from allele-selective antisense oligonucleotide treatment.

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Feb 24 / Roche and Genentech
Towards disease modifying treatments in HD: An update from Roche
In this presentation we share Roche's and Spark's commitment in HD which expand from therapeutic development of diverse approaches to tacke HD to efforts to contribute more broadly to the HD community and advance scientific knowledge and understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease. These range from running observational studies to pioneering data sharing and harmonisation efforts in partnership with HD-RSC and CHDI.

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Nov 8 / Roche and Genentech
Clinical Development Update on Tominersen: Fluid biomarker data from GENERATION HD1 and what it means for GENERATION HD2
This presentation includes the latest CSF fluid biomarkers results from GENERATION HD1 (YKL-40, total Tau (& ptau-181) & GFAP), related to neuroinflammation, neuronal death and astrocytic reactivity in HD. In GENERATION HD1 elevations in these biomarkers are avoided at the lowest exposures. The exposure group targeted in GENERATION HD2 has a favourable CSF fluid biomarker profile with NfL, YKL-40, total Tau & pTau-181 trending below placebo. In additiion, we provide an update on the iDMC recommendation to continue with the GENERATION HD2 study as planned after revieweing blinded data on safety, clinical, MRI & plasma NfL from 219 participants, with up to 5 doses of study treatment and an average time on treatment of 166 days.

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Nov 7 / Spark
Advancing SPK-10001 into a First-in-Human study
This presentation includes pre-clinical data describing SPK-10001, along with a high level overview of the Phase 1/2 trial evaluting the safety and efficacy of SPK-10001.

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Nov 6 / Spark
SPK-10001 AAV-based microRNA mediates non-allele specific reduction of HTT mRNA through RNA interference, demonstrating its potential for further preclinical development
SPK-10001 is an engineered adeno-associated virus expressing an artificial microRNA which targets the human HTT mRNA for degradation. The associated study determines the pharmacologic properties of SPK-10001.
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