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Personalised Healthcare
May 9 / Roche and Genentech
Faricimab▼ treatment response prediction in diabetic macular edema (DME) using deep learning on optical coherence tomography (OCT) and clinical data
Faricimab▼ is a bispecific antibody that can bind to both vascular endothelial growth factor A and angiopoietin-2 that is approved for retinal vascular conditions, including diabetic macular edema (DME). This poster evaluates the performance of deep learning (DL) models for predicting the 1-year functional outcome for patients with DME who underwent faricimab▼ treatment using optical coherence tomography volumes and clinical data. Predicting 1-year best corrected visual acuity outcomes from baseline clinical data and imaging features for patients with DME undergoing faricimab▼ treatment can be useful for both clinical trials as well as clinical practice.

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May 9 / Roche and Genentech
Retinal vasculitis with or without retinal vascular occlusion among eyes with nAMD or DME treated with IVT agents as recorded in the Vestrum database
This poster describes results from an analysis of the Vestrum database regarding anti-VEGF safety, with respect to retinal vasculitis with or without occlusion, in a real-world setting. Percentage of eyes with incident events of first retinal vasculitis, first retinal vasculitis with retinal vascular occlusion, and first intraocular inflammation (including retinal vasculitis) with retinal vascular occlusion were low and similar among eyes treated with faricimab▼, aflibercept 2 mg, or ranibizumab.

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Personalised Healthcare
May 9 / Roche and Genentech
Towards automated optical coherence tomography (OCT) data analysis for a real-world diabetic macular edema (DME) treatment cohort
An optical coherence tomography (OCT) image analysis pipeline was built for retrospective quantitative image analysis of a large real-world database of patients with diabetic macular edema (DME) from the National Health Service in the UK. This is to facilitate automated and fast interpretation of large real-world datasets incorporating imaging and enabling in-depth scientific and clinical investigations.
04:30 PM
Duration 30mins Seattle, Washington
Automated Segmentation of Hard Exudates Using SD-OCT in Patients with Diabetic Macular Edema from the Phase 2b ALTIMETER Study
Maunz A, Parian-Scherb M, Cohen Y, Bachmeier I, Yu S, Gibson K, Mar F, Xue Z, Glittenberg C

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03:00 PM
Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Defining the Role of Angiopoietin-2 in Vascular Destabilization Using Primary Human Vasculature Models
Westenskow P, Stoll, R, Spielmann A, Kim B, Ragelle H

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Extended treatment outcomes and the potential for Q20W dosing with faricimab▼ in nAMD: a post hoc analysis of the pivotal TENAYA/LUCERNE trials
Storey P, Koh A, Singer M, Hill L, Kotecha A, Margaron P

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03:30 PM
Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Faricimab▼ treatment outcomes with extended dosing and potential for Q20W intervals in DME: post hoc analysis of the 96-week phase 3 YOSEMITE/RHINE trials
Adam M, Gibson K, Sim D, Amador M, Hill L, Singer M

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Deep learning to identify diffuse retinal thickening (DRT) on optical coherence tomography (OCT)
Dimitrios Damopoulos, Tom Albrecht, Ali Valcarcel, Derrek Hibar, Mike Chen, Dinah Chen, Vivian Look, Vivide Chang, Daniela Ferrara, Huanxiang Lu

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10:00 PM
Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Longitudinal Quantitative Ultra-Widefield Fluorescein Angiography Leakage Dynamics in Patients With Uveitic Macular Edema Following Intravitreal Anti–IL-6 Therapy With Vamikibart
Cakir Y, Matar K, Cetin H, Amine R, Bonnay M, McConville C, Srivastava S, Pauly-Evers M, Holmes W, Barekati Z, Storti F, Fauser S, Mesquida M, Sharma S, Ehlers J

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Intravitreal Interleukin-6 Inhibition With Vamikibart in Sarcoidosis-Associated Uveitis
Pauly-Evers M, Barekati Z, Storti F, Holmes W, Steeples L, Haskova Z, Lin P, Sharma S, Fauser S, Mesquida M

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Deep Learning-Based Optical Coherence Tomography Segmentation of Retinal Fluids and Layers Using Multi-Grader Annotations
Pla Alemany S, Albrecht T, Valcarcel A, Hibar D, Chen M, Chen D, Look V, Chang V, Ferrara D, Lu H

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Predicting Geographic Atrophy Growth Rate With Clinical and Derived Imaging Features
Julia Cluceru, Ondrej Slama, Neha Anegondi, Simon S Gao, Daniela Ferrara, Michel Friesenhahn, Christina Rabe

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
IL-6 inhibition with vamikibart in patients with uveitic macular edema: phase 3 MEERKAT and SANDCAT trials
Suhler E, Steeples L, Elze M, Macgregor L, Silverman D, Haskova Z

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Generalizability of foundation models for geographic atrophy (GA) lesion segmentation in fundus autofluorescence (FAF)
Gros E, McLeod M, Kikuchi Y, Cluceru J, Anegondi N, Gao S, Rabe C, Ferrara D, Yang Q

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Duration 15mins Room 6E (Seattle Convention Center - Arch Building)
Real-World Clinical and Anatomical Outcomes in Patients With Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration Treated With Faricimab▼: The FARETINA-AMD Study
Tabano D, Ko S, Borkar D, Leng T, Ali F, Shaia J, Myers R, LaPrise A, Singh R

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03:30 PM
Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Volumetric Fluid Dynamics Using Machine-Learning Augmented Analysis in Patients With Uveitic Macular Edema Receiving Vamikibart in the DOVETAIL Study
Matar K, Cakir Y, Cetin H, Amine R, Bonnay M, McConville C, Srivastava S, Pauly-Evers M, Holmes W, Barekati Z, Storti F, Fauser S, Mesquida M, Sharma S, Ehlers J

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Longitudinal Quantitative Anterior Chamber Cell Analysis Following Vamikibart Intravitreal Therapy in Patients With Uveitic Macular Edema From the DOVETAIL Clinical Trial
Sharma S, Hamdan A, Chen C, Le P, Baynes K, Pauly-Evers M, Holmes W, Barekati Z, Storti F, Fauser S, Mesquida M, Srivastava S, Singh S

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Efficacy, safety, and durability of faricimab▼ in macular edema due to retinal vein occlusion: 72-week results from the BALATON and COMINO trials
Ghanchi F, Abreu F, Arrisi P, Kotecha A, Liu Y, Paris L, Retiere A, Willis J

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Aqueous Humor Interleukin-6 Levels in Uveitic Macular Edema: Baseline Characteristics From the Phase 1 DOVETAIL Study
Barekati Z, Holmes W, van Donge T, Pauly-Evers M, Jordan G, Sickert D, Peck R, Willen D, Passemard B, Fauser S, Mesquida M, Storti F

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08:15 PM
Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Predicting functional outcomes for different treatment durations of faricimab in diabetic macular edema (DME)
Kikuchi Y, Abderezaei J, McLeod M, Chen C, Benech AC, Ferrara D, Anegondi N, Yang Q

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10:00 PM
Duration 15mins Room 6E (Seattle Convention Center - Arch Building)
Port Delivery System with ranibizumab (PDS) met primary endpoint and key secondary outcomes with >75% of patients preferring PDS treatment in phase 3 Pavilion trial for diabetic retinopathy (DR)
Latkany P, Regillo C, Wykoff C, Chang M, Emanuelli A, Holekamp N, Malhotra V, Howard D, Santhanakrishnan A, Wetzel-Smith M, Quezada-Ruiz C, Pieramici D

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Duration 15mins Room 6E (Seattle Convention Center - Arch Building)
Real-world treatment patterns and outcomes in the first 6 and 12 months of faricimab▼ use among eyes with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) in the UK: FARWIDE-nAMD
Varma D, Talks J, DeSalvo G, Patel P, DeSilva S, Gale R, McKibbin M, Chi G, James N, Rothwell A, Shah N, Downey A, Dodds M, Dayal P

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10:30 PM
Duration 15mins Room 6E (Seattle Convention Center - Arch Building)
Impact of Early Intraretinal Fluid Reduction on One-Year Outcomes in Diabetic Macular Edema
Wang Y, Hibar D, Maunz A, Lu H, Albrecht T, Gibson K, Willis J, Chang D, Litts K

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03:00 PM
Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Retinal vasculitis with or without retinal vascular occlusion among eyes with nAMD or DME treated with IVT agents as recorded in the Vestrum database
Patel S, Chi G, Aggarwal N, Amador M, Boucher N, Chang SC, Patel V, Sharma S, Zarbin M

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Clinical pearls from the TENAYA/LUCERNE trials of faricimab▼ in patients with nAMD
Haug S, Amador M, Kotecha A, Margaron P, Stoilov I, Tang Y

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Greater reduction in pigment epithelial detachment size in TENAYA/LUCERNE with faricimab▼ 6.0 mg vs aflibercept 2.0 mg during head-to-head dosing in patients with nAMD
London N, Khanani A, Lai T, Lim J, Kotecha A, Margaron P, Patel S, Souverain A, Willis J, Yang M

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Towards automated optical coherence tomography (OCT) data analysis for a real-world diabetic macular edema (DME) treatment cohort
Talks J, Peto T, Wang X, Gershon A, Menon G, Ghanchi F, Chen X, Look V, Lu H, Chen M, Ferrara D, Chi G, Yang Q

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Faricimab treatment response prediction in diabetic macular edema (DME) using deep learning on optical coherence tomography (OCT) and clinical data
McLeod M, Abderezaei J, Kikuchi Y, Chen C, Benech AC, Ferrara D, Anegondi N, Yang Q

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06:45 PM
Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Greater reduction in hard exudates with faricimab▼ vs aflibercept in patients with DME: biomarker results from the phase 3 YOSEMITE/RHINE trials
Goldberg R, Amador M, Dinah C, Gibson K, Glittenberg C, Maunz A, O'Leary O, Rahimy E, Uschner D

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Key clinical and anatomic outcomes from the YOSEMITE/RHINE trials of faricimab▼ in patients with DME
Manoharan N, Amador M, Willis J,Stoilov I, Mar F, Gibson K, Abreu F

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Real-World Treatment Patterns and Outcomes in the First 6 and 12 Months of Faricimab▼ Use Among Eyes With Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) in the UK: FARWIDE-DME
Reynolds R, Peto T, Bailey C, Downey L, Kiire C, Pearce I, Sivaprasad S, Chi G, James N, Rothwell A, Shah N, Downey A, Dodds M, Dayal P

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Treatment outcomes with anti-VEGF therapy for retinal vein occlusion: an analysis of real-world data from 16 UK sites
Dinah C, Dodds M, Arrisi P, Pereira L, Lake A, Nielsen P, Holdsworth J, Saffar I, Chi G

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Efficacy and Safety of Faricimab▼ in ALTIMETER: A Trial Exploring Biomarkers of Ang-2 Inhibition in Patients With DME
Gibson K, Dang S, Amador M, Dieckmann A, Glittenberg C, Kotak A, Mar F, Souverain A, Titz B, Vujosevic S, Fawzi A

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Real-world clinical and anatomical outcomes in patients with diabetic macular edema treated with faricimab▼: The FARETINA-DME study
Borkar D, Tabano D, Ko S, Leng T, Shaia J, Myers R, LaPrise A, Ali F, Singh R

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Elevatum study design and rationale: a phase 4 trial of faricimab▼ (VABYSMO) in underrepresented patients with DME
Brown J, Cunningham M, Coney J, Scott A, Amador M, Chang J, Yang M, Stoilov I, Gonzalez L

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Port Delivery System with ranibizumab (PDS) stabilizes retinal nonperfusion and macular leakage: results from Pagoda and Pavilion phase 3 trials in diabetic macular edema (DME) and diabetic retinopathy (DR)
Wirthlin R, Gill M, Howard D, Menezes A, Rahman S, Latkany P

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Port Delivery System With Ranibizumab (PDS) in diabetic macular edema (DME): additional primary analysis results of the phase 3 Pagoda trial
Malhotra V, Klufas M, Marcus D, Graff J, Campochiaro P, Rahman S, Latkany P, Gune S, Lin S, DeGraaf S, Bobbala A, Rabena M, Quezada-Ruiz C, Khanani A

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Duration 105mins Seattle, Washington
Pharmacokinetic (PK) profile of the Port Delivery System with ranibizumab (PDS) in the phase 3 Pagoda and Pavilion trials
Heinrich D, Wolfe J, Dhoot D, Ding HT, Hyung S, Latkany P, Maass K, Rahman S, Hsu J

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