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Diabetic Retinopathy

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Feb 16 / Roche and Genentech
Implementation of Optimized Surgical Steps for the PDS and the Incidence of Endophthalmitis and Associated Patient Outcomes
This presentation decribes results from a retrospective analysis which examined the impact of surgical improvements on endophthalmitis incidence and patient outcomes over time in patients receiving the Port Delivery Platform with ranibizumab (PDS) in the PDS clinical development program from 2016 to 2024. A trend for improvement in endophthalmitis incidence and patient outcomes was observed after June 2020. Key updates, increased awareness, better monitoring and management in the PDS clinical trial program have all contributed to this positive trend.

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Oct 18 / Roche and Genentech
Comparison of Diabetic Retinopathy Progression With 7 Field and Ultrawide Imaging in the Phase 3 YOSEMITE/RHINE Studies
This presentation describes the results of a treatment-agnostic analysis comparing diabetic retinopathy (DR) severity assessment on gold-standard 7F vs ultrawide field (UWF) color fundus photographs from patients enrolled in the YOSEMITE and RHINE trials for DME.

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Sep 26 / Roche
Watch the recording of the EURETINA symposium "Is Continuous Drug Delivery the Key to Transforming Long-term Outcomes in Retinal Diseases?"
Despite advances in the treatment of retinal diseases with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapies, in the real world intravitreal injections remain burdensome and some patients cannot extend their treatment intervals. This symposium explores the latest innovations in continuous drug delivery for the treatment of chronic retinal diseases. It provides an update on the return of the Port Delivery System with ranibizumab (PDS), including ongoing efforts with the Port Delivery Platform, and reviews the latest PDS clinical data for long-term maintenance of vision and retinal anatomy in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration, diabetic macular edema, and diabetic retinopathy. Experts also discuss their experience with the PDS in the clinic and the real world.

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Sep 23 / Roche
View the EURETINA symposium "Is Continuous Drug Delivery the Key to Transforming Long-term Outcomes in Retinal Diseases?"
Despite advances in the treatment of retinal diseases with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapies, in the real world intravitreal injections remain burdensome and some patients cannot extend their treatment intervals. This symposium explores the latest innovations in continuous drug delivery for the treatment of chronic retinal diseases. It provides an update on the return of the Port Delivery System with ranibizumab (PDS), including ongoing efforts with the Port Delivery Platform, and reviews the latest PDS clinical data for long-term maintenance of vision and retinal anatomy in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration, diabetic macular edema, and diabetic retinopathy. Experts also discuss their experience with the PDS in the clinic and the real world.

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Sep 15 / Roche and Genentech
Port Delivery System With Ranibizumab for Continuous Treatment in Diabetic Retinopathy: First Readout of 2-Year Data From the Phase 3 Pavilion Trial
Efficacy and safety results from Pavilion year 2 are presented, demonstrating maintenance of DRSS improvement over 2 years, along with safety data consistent with primary analyses.

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Jul 18 / Roche and Genentech
Port Delivery System With Ranibizumab for Continuous Treatment in Diabetic Retinopathy: First Readout of 2-Year Data From the Phase 3 Pavilion Trial
Efficacy and safety results from Pagoda and Pavilion year 2 are presented for the first time, demonstrating maintenance of vision and anatomic gains, and continued disease control, respectively, over 2 years, along with safety data consistent with primary analyses.

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