Multicentre evaluation of a new strip-based blood glucose system (cobas® pulse, Roche Diagnostics) for near-patient testing in critical and non-critical care settings
A multicentre study aimed at evaluating the performance of cobas® pulse, a new near-patient blood glucose testing system for use in professional healthcare environments, using arterial (A), venous (V), capillary (Cap) and neonatal heel stick (HS) whole blood samples. The performance of the cobas® pulse system was compared with that of a plasma-based hexokinase reference method on the Roche cobas® 6000 system (GLUC3) and to that of Nova StatStrip® (Nova Biomedical). The cobas® pulse system met CLSI POCT12-A3 accuracy criteria for all A, V, Cap and HS samples, and the performance exceeded that of StatStrip®.