Understanding the clinical value of Alzheimer’s disease CSF biomarkers

E-Learning - Module 1


Advancing diagnostics for Alzheimer's disease

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Alzheimer's disease hub

E-Learning - Module 1


Advancing diagnostics for Alzheimer's disease


Understanding the clinical value of Alzheimer’s disease CSF biomarkers


Please be aware this module is hosted on the AD/PD Education ™ website and you will need to set up a free account to start your learning journey.

Advancing diagnostics for Alzheimer's disease is an interactive educational programme that explores the future Alzheimer’s disease diagnostic pathway, the clinical value of CSF biomarkers and how they can support the timely diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.

This interactive module has been specifically designed for Alzheimer’s specialists and researchers and features videos from world-renowned experts:
Professor Craig Ritchie from the University of Edinburgh and Brain Health Scotland and Professor Charlotte Teunissen from Amsterdam University Medical Centers.

Key topics covered in the module are:

  • The importance of a timely diagnosis for patients (BBBMs)
  • How CSF biomarkers can support the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease
  • An introduction to the Elecsys® CSF assays


Advancing diagnostics for Alzheimer's disease is brought to you in colloboration with AD/PD™ Education




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