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  • Identifying Equity-Relevant Subgroup Effects in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Literature Review to Support a Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

ISPOR 2023

May 07 - May 10, 2023 | Boston, USA

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Identifying Equity-Relevant Subgroup Effects in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Literature Review to Support a Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Authors Dominic Voehler; Patricia G. Synnott; Thomas Majda; Daniel A. Ollendorf; Pei-Jung Lin; Stacey Kowal

Published date08 May, 2023

Distributional cost-effectiveness analysis (DCEA) can quantify the potential impact of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and its treatment on concerns of health equity. We conducted a literature search to identify studies that investigated the impact of race/ethnicity and social determinants of health on AD outcomes relevant to economic modeling. We identified gaps in the evidence that highlight the need for systematic data collection across equity-relevant subgroups, particularly groups defined by level of social vulnerability. Despite uncertainties, there is sufficient evidence available to evaluate the distributional impact of emerging AD therapies.

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