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  • An interventional study of digital patient monitoring impact on health outcomes and healthcare resource utilization, and feasibility of combination with at-home treatment, in patients receiving systemic anticancer treatment in clinical practice

2023 ASCO Annual Meeting

Jun 02 - Jun 06, 2023 | Chicago, USA

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An interventional study of digital patient monitoring impact on health outcomes and healthcare resource utilization, and feasibility of combination with at-home treatment, in patients receiving systemic anticancer treatment in clinical practice

Authors Sanna Iivanainen, Anne-Marie Baird, Bogdana Balas, Alberto Bustillos, Amparo Y Castro Sanchez, Manuela Eicher, Sophie Golding, Mathis Mueller-Ohldach, María Reig, Manfred Welslau, Johannes Ammann

Published date05 June, 2023

ORIGAMA is an interventional, open-label, multi-country platform study (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT05694013) investigating the clinical utility of digital patient monitoring tools in combination with specific treatments and services for patients with cancer. This trial-in-progress poster describes the rationale, study design and objectives.

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