Sep 19 - Sep 22, 2024 | Barcelona, Spain / Virtual (Hybrid)

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View the EURETINA symposium "Changing the DME Gameplan with Faricimab▼: Dual Pathway, Drying, and Durability"

Authors Schlottmann P, Vujosevic S, Pearce I, Udaondo P

Published date20 September, 2024

In this gameshow-themed symposium, experts (gameshow contestants) explore the potential of faricimab▼ as an important first line treatment to optimise DME patient outcomes. Dual pathway, drying, and durability data from clinical trials and the real world are presented, demonstrating that clinical trial data are reflected in the real world, both in terms of large data sets and individual cohort data and case studies. Watch the experts compete against each other to win the gameshow!

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