Sep 17 - Sep 20, 2024 | Copenhagen, Denmark

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The patient impact of 11 years of ocrelizumab treatment in multiple sclerosis: long-term data from the Phase III OPERA and ORATORIO studies

Authors Hauser SL, Giovannoni G, Filippi M, Weber MS, Montalban X, Nicholas JA, Schneble HM, Wang Q, Kappos L

Published date18 September, 2024

Early and sustained treatment of patients with MS with a high efficacy therapy delays disability progression and the time to reaching key long-term disability milestones. OCR has a robust long-term safety and efficacy experience across the MS spectrum. Results for OCR over eleven years are reported for 48-week CDP and other measures of progression (including the rate of repeated 48-week CDP, and the time to requiring walking aid or wheelchair) during OPERA I/II (NCT01247324/NCT01412333), ORATORIO (NCT01194570) and their open-label extensions.

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