2024 ASCO Annual Meeting

May 31 - Jun 04, 2024 | Chicago USA/Virtual (Hybrid)

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Association of machine learning (ML) derived histological features with transcriptomics based molecular subtypes in advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC)

Authors Niha Beig, Shima Nofallah, David McDermott, Robert Motzer, Thomas Powles, Brian Rini, Hartmut Koeppen, Romain Banchereau, Miles Markey, Isaac Finberg2, Geetika Singh2, Lauren Brunner2, Robert Egger2, Chintan Parmer, Jake Conway, Stephanie Hennek, Dan Ruderman, Samuel Vilchez, Mahrukh Huseni, Jennifer Giltnane

Published date02 June, 2024

This poster, using data from IMmotion151 and IMmotion150, describes the development of machine learning models to derive histological features in mRCC tumors and identify histological correlates of RCC molecular subtypes on whole slide images and evaluate them as surrogate imaging-based predictive biomarkers.

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