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Blood Coagulation Disorder

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Oct 20 / Roche
Multicentre performance evaluation and reference ranges for an immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Factor XIII antigen on the cobas t 711 analyser
In this poster, the authors present the results of the analytical performance of the FXIII immunoassay on the cobas t 711 analyser.

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Oct 20 / Roche
Multicentre performance evaluation and reference ranges for the quantitative determination of Factor IX activity on the cobas t 711 analyser
In this poster, the authors present the results of the analytical performance of the one-stage aPTT-type FIX assay on the cobas t 711 analyser.

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Dec 1 / Roche
Method comparison of eight coagulation assays on the cobas t 411 versus cobas t 511/t 711 analysers
The aim of the study was to investigate comparability between the cobas t 411 and cobas t 511 /t 711 platforms when performing screening and coagulation tests.

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Dec 1 / Roche
Multicenter performance evaluation and reference range determination for a new assay for the quantitative evaluation of factor VIII in citrated plasma
The aim of the study was to evaluate the analytical performance of a new one stage aPTT based FVIII assay for the quantitative assessment of FVIII activity on the cobas t 711 analyzer.

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Nov 22 / Roche
Analytical performance of eight new coagulation assays on the cobas t 411 analyser
The aim of the study was to evaluate the analytical performance of eight new coagulation assays on the cobas t 411 analyser under routine conditions.

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Nov 22 / Roche
Diagnostic Accuracy of the Tina quant D Dimer Gen.2 Assay with Age Adjusted Cut Off Ranges for Evaluation of Patients with Suspected Deep Vein Thrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism
The aim of this exploratory analysis was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the D DI2 assay in patients with a low or intermediate pretest probability for proximal DVT or PE after applying an age adjusted cut off value for patients aged >50 years.

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