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Oct 26 / Roche
An exploration of amyloid removal measures in relation to clinical benefit: a review and meta-regression of anti-amyloid trials in AD.
Recent results of anti-amyloid trials have raised the question how best to characterize the relationship between amyloid PET and clinical endpoints. We attempt to address this question through statistical modelling of publicly available data from several anti-amyloid trials.

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Oct 25 / Roche and Genentech
Pharmacodynamic Effects of Semorinemab on Biomarkers of Tau, Synaptic Function, and Gliosis in a Phase 2 Trial of Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease
Semorinemab is a humanized anti-tau IgG4 monoclonal antibody under investigation as a disease-modifying treatment for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In a Phase 2 trial for mild-to-moderate AD (Lauriet), patients demonstrated significant reductions in cognitive decline (ADAS-Cog11) relative to placebo, but no changes to the co-primary and secondary endpoints. Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were collected for fluid biomarker assessments. Semorinemab induced dramatic increases in measures of plasma total and phosphorylated tau species, and a reduction in CSF tau species. Changes to a subset of synaptic biomarkers were observed, with annualized reductions in neurogranin and SNAP-25 being greater following semorinemab treatment. Measures of gliosis demonstrated significant increases in CSF YKL-40, but not in the plasma; CSF GFAP was unchanged, but Semorinemab prevented the accumulation of plasma GFAP compared to placebo. These data provide evidence that semorinemab engages tau in the CNS and periphery in a manner consistent with data previously reported in prodromal-to-mild AD patients (Tauriel) and that modulation of extracellular tau levels may impact synaptic biology and moderate reactive astrogliosis.

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Oct 25 / Roche
RG6289, a new γ-secretase modulator for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: Dose selection for a phase II trial based on population PK/PD modeling
RG6289 is a new γ-secretase modulator in development for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Data from the Phase I study after single and multiple dose administration were used to develop a population PK/PD model in order to characterize the relationship between RG6289 concentrations and Aβ42 lowering in plasma. Based on the final population PK/PD model, food did not have any relevant effect on the PD of RG6289. Age effects on PK were taken into account when selecting the final doses for the upcoming Phase IIa study. The three selected doses are covering a broad range of Aβ42 lowering expected to be therapeutically relevant in the very early stages of AD.
12:00 PM
Duration 96hrs Boston, USA
Alzheimer's disease linkage to evidence (AD-LINE) study: An analysis of concordance between clinical diagnosis and evidence of AD diagnosis in real-world US claims data
Desilu Glazebrook

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12:00 PM
Duration 96hrs Boston, USA
RG6289, a new γ-secretase modulator for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: Dose selection for a phase II trial based on population PK/PD modeling
Agnes Portron

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Duration 96hrs Boston, USA
Baseline risk factors for ARIA-E in the GRADUATE I and II studies of gantenerumab
Paul Delmar

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Duration 96hrs Boston, USA
Assessing health system capacity for delivery of a disease-modifying therapy for Alzheimer’s disease: a multi-country analysis
Nathalie Budd

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03:35 PM
Duration 10mins Boston, USA
Luka Kulic

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12:00 PM
Duration 96hrs Boston, USA
Pharmacodynamic Effects of Semorinemab on Biomarkers of Tau, Synaptic Function, and Gliosis in a Phase 2 Trial of Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease
Stephen Schauer

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Duration 96hrs Boston, USA
Measuring changes in longitudinal Tau-PET with [18F]MK-6240: group-level vs individualized ROIs definition
Nick Sidorenko

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02:00 PM
Duration 10mins Boston, USA
An exploration of amyloid removal measures in relation to clinical benefit: a review and meta-regression of anti-amyloid trials in AD.
Marzia A. Scelsi (lead author) / Paul Delmar (presenter)

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12:00 PM
Duration 96hrs Boston, USA
Automated linguistic metrics from a novel, remote, smartphone-based self-assessment of cued narration and free recall correlate with brain atrophy in language and memory networks in early Alzheimer’s disease
Irma Kurniawan

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