Huntington's Disease



Help individuals with HD stay connected to the support and resources they may need


Continue to support individuals with HD and their families by sharing beneficial resources.


Advocacy and Support Groups:


Find the most suitable local organisations that can help improve the lives of those affected by HD:

●        European Huntington Association

●        International Huntington’s Association

●        Huntington's Disease Youth Organization



Scientific Organisations:


Organisations can keep you updated on scientific research, such as:

●        Huntington Study Group (HSG)

●        Hereditary Disease Foundation (HDF)

●        CHDI Foundation

●        European Huntington’s Disease Network (EHDN)

●        National Organization for Rare Disorders

●        Rare Neurological Disease Special Report

●        National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences

●        National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke


Additional Resources:


Individuals with HD and their families can find more HD news, support and encouragement at sites like:


●        Huntington’s Disease News

●        Factor H

●        HD Buzz

●        HDA news page

●        News HD


Listen to the HD insights podcast for interviews with HD experts:

●        Play directly from web page 

●        Listen on your device


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